Junior Infants 2016/2017A warm welcome to all our new Junior Infants. We hope they are enjoying their first few days here in Glounaguillagh N.S. and will go on to make many happy memories during their time with us. JuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniors
A warm welcome to all our new Junior Infants. We hope they are enjoying their first few days here in Glounaguillagh N.S. and will go on to make many happy memories during their time with us. JuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniorsJuniors