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Welcome to Term 3! Update - Monday 20th April

Dear Parents,

I hope everyone has had a lovely Easter break. We certainly had plenty of much needed sunshine!

How we would love to be walking in the school doors for term 3! My thoughts are with our students, who I am sure are missing school and especially their friends. With the latest announcement, school closures and other restrictions are now planned to remain in place until Tuesday 5th May 2020. Unfortunately, as a result, our Confirmation and First Holy Communion dates have been postponed until further notice.

We will continue to do our very best in school to provide structure to your child’s learning while they are at home. We will continue to use the online learning platforms as part of our distance learning programme. At this point in time, we would like to seek your feedback to evaluate how everything is going so far and to allow us to refine our programme going forward. Please click here to access an online questionnaire in relation to how our programme for distance learning is working for you.

Our school doors may be shut but we are still available to help in any way we can. If you have any questions, please email us - – and we will do our very best to assist you.

As we hear regularly on the airwaves and on social media, keeping safe and healthy remains the first priority. Mental health is as important as physical health. Remember, each family has a different context. Adults – be kind to yourself. Know that you are enough. We will catch up on learning when we return to school. If getting out and enjoying good weather is what works for you, do it!

If you have some images that you would like to share with us - perhaps of your work or the creative things you have been up to over the last number of weeks or maybe you just want to say hello to your friends - please email them on to us. We will add them to a picture slideshow that would we hope to share with you weekly.

Finally, I would like to extend a heartfelt thanks to you all once again. So, to our students, parents, teachers and staff, thank you! I would hope to see a return to school in the near future. I will continue to keep you updated and look forward to seeing you all soon; hopefully sooner rather than later.

Take care everyone.

Sinéad Pigott



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