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Full Return to School for Junior Infants to 2nd Class

Dear Parents & Guardians,

On Monday, 1st March, we will welcome back the children and staff from Junior Infants to 2nd Class. We wish the children and staff involved a safe return to school. This is a positive step in the return to “normality”. We look forward to welcoming the remaining classes back later in March.

As we begin to prepare for our return to in-school learning, I would just like to say well done to all the boys and girls for the huge effort they have been putting in to their online learning over the last number of weeks. We know it has not been easy for them (or for parents). I would also like to acknowledge the fantastic effort the teachers are putting in in adapting to this new type of teaching. Online learning has been a rollercoaster of emotions for all of us!

Our focus now is to continue the fantastic effort put in throughout the first term and to continue to work together to keep each other safe. The protocols around handwashing, cleaning and class bubbles will all remain vitally important in our fight against this virus. The procedures put in place around the arrival and departure of children, entrance doors and designated play areas, etc., will also continue to apply.

Updated information will be forwarded to the classes concerned over the coming days to remind the children of the procedures that will be in place upon their return.

Return to School Declaration Form

Parents of children returning to school from Monday, 1st March, are asked to complete the following Covid-19 Declaration Form.

Children will not be permitted to return to school until the form is submitted. Please complete the form by 6pm on Sunday, 28th February, in advance of Monday morning. Going forward, the Declaration must be completed after each absence. A separate Declaration Form is required for each child.

To the Children in 3rd to 6th Class

I know it has been a difficult few weeks since we began this remote learning journey & I’m sure it has taken its toll on you all. From our vantage point, all we can say is the engagement, quality of work and your commitment to trying to progress your learning has been outstanding! You have adjusted to this unfamiliar and strange method of learning without the usual support of your friends at school, your teacher and the support staff and we are so, so proud of you! It is no doubt frustrating that you have to wait another few weeks before returning to school but hopefully we will be back together again in school very soon. For now, continue being the incredible people that you are!

If you have any questions surrounding our return to school, please contact your child's class teacher or you can reach me at (Please remember: you cannot respond to this email address as it will not reach us). Continue to keep an eye on the website for up-to-date information.

Take care,

Sinéad Pigott



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