January Newsletter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Dates for your Diary:
Monday 22nd January - School Photographs
Monday 5th February - Public Holiday (school closed)
Thursday 15th & Friday 16th February - February Mid-Term (school closed)
First Confession: Thursday 29th February, 7pm
Friday 8th March - Polling Booth (school closed - to be confirmed)
Monday 18th March - Public Holiday (school closed)
Monday 25th March - Friday 5th April (inclusive) - Easter Holidays (school closed)
Confirmation: Friday 26th April, 5pm
First Holy Communion: Saturday 18th May, 12 noon
The Government has announced its intention to hold two Constitutional Referendums on Friday 8th March, 2024. We have not yet been informed as to whether or not the school building will be requisitioned for use as a polling booth. In the event that the school is requisitioned for use that day, we will be closed. I will update parents once I hear from the Returning Officer.
School Photographs:
A photographer from "Memory Lane Photography" will be coming to the school on Monday 22nd January. The children will have their photographs taken in school on this day. A proof of each photograph taken will be sent home for parents to view at a later date. Full details on prices and how to purchase the photographs will be included with the proof. There is no money to be paid upfront and there is no obligation on families to buy the photographs once they are taken.
Christmas Jumper Day:
Our annual Christmas Jumper Day raised a wonderful €465 for the fundraising efforts of the Kingston Family in memory of Aoife. This money will go towards transforming the children's area within the Palliative Care Unit. Thank you for your support. Your generosity is very much appreciated.
We would like to remind parents that no adult should enter the school building, unless invited to do so/by prior appointment. If you need to call to the school/collect your child during the course of the school day, please press the doorbell on the wall outside the front door and wait for assistance. Your child will be brought to the door by a member of staff. If you need to contact the school, please do so by email or telephone and we will get back to you, as soon as possible.
We continue to remind parents to please be mindful on approach to the school and to park responsibly when dropping your children to, and collecting from, school. Please be particularly careful in the immediate vicinity of the gates as you may block access to the gates for the children and also impair the line of sight for other drivers. If your child is dropped to school by another family member, please pass this information on and ask them to park responsibly in the area surrounding the school.
Absence Notes:
While certain absences are unavoidable, such as when a child is sick, it is important to remember that the school must inform the statutory Educational Welfare Services of the Child and Family Agency if your child has missed 20 days or more in the school year. Following an absence, please complete an absence explanation note. All families have been provided with a booklet of these. If you need a replacement booklet, please let us know. The absence notes at the back of the Homework Journal (1st – 6th Class) can also be used. Further information can be found here.
Next Year:
It’s the time of the year when our attention begins to turn to September and putting plans in place for the new school year. To that end, if you know your child will not be returning to our school after the summer (other than 6th class pupils), please let the office know as soon as possible.
Kind regards,
Sinéad Pigott