June Newsletter
Dear Parents/Guardians,
Another busy school year is drawing to a close. It has been a challenging time for our pupils, staff and for you as parents but together, I think we have managed very successfully. I would like to take the opportunity to thank you so much for your continued support and cooperation throughout this year, particularly during the period of school closure.
Summer Holidays:
The school will close for the summer holidays on Friday 25th June. Junior Infants and Senior Infants, along with their older siblings, will go home at 12 noon. 1st Class to 6th Class will finish at 12.20pm.
Calendar 2021/2022:
Please find attached the School Calendar for 2021/2022.
Class Groups 2021/2022:
Junior Infants - Ms. Pigott
Senior Infants – Ms. Quirke
1st & 2nd Class - Ms. Tyther
2nd & 3rd Class – Ms. O’Sullivan
4th & 5th Class - Mrs. Fleming
5th & 6th Class - Mrs. Galvin
Mrs. Fiona Doyle will continue to job-share for the 2021/2022 school year. Ms. Caitríona McCarthy (Campbell) will join us as Fiona’s job-share partner. We wish to thank Mrs. Emma Phelan for her hard work and her dedication to our school over the last number of years. Emma, we wish you all the very best for the future.
Sixth Class:
Congratulations to our 6th Class pupils who are finishing their time with us here at Glounaguillagh. You have been a wonderful class and we will miss you in September. We wish you every good wish as you transfer to your respective secondary schools.
Communion and Confirmation:
Fr. Kevin has confirmed new dates for the celebration of our Sacraments. All going well, Confirmation will be celebrated on Friday 27th August at 6pm in St. James’ Church, Killorglin, while First Holy Communion will be celebrated on Saturday 11th September at 12noon in St. James' Church, Killorglin.
Travelling to and from School:
Remember to drive/park safely at drop off and collection times. Self-responsibility is the rule of the day. Always be mindful of the presence of children. Drive slowly at all times. Please do not pull up in the area directly outside the gates to drop children. At the evening collection, remain in your car until you see you child’s class approaching. For those travelling by bike, always wear your helmet and dismount your bike on entering the school grounds.
September Reopening:
The scheduled date for school to reopen is 1st September. The Department of Education has indicated that further guidance documents and templates will be published later in June and July which will inform policy and protocols for a return to school. Once we receive these documents, we will put a plan in place for September and communicate it to you as soon as possible.
It has been another challenging year for all our school community. However, it has also been a rewarding year – we spent a lot of time with our families while also appreciating many of the small pleasures in life.
My own personal and heartfelt thanks to all our school staff, Board of Management, pupils and parents for their enormous endeavours over the past 15 months. The support and goodwill we have been shown has made a difficult time considerably easier through your understanding, positivity and constant support. While the challenges have been many, the silver lining must be the way that home and school came together to make the best of the situation.
Finally, on behalf of us all here at Glounaguillagh National School, I wish parents, children and family members a well-deserved and enjoyable break, and I hope that everyone will return safely and in good health on Wednesday, 1st September.
Kind regards,
Sinéad Pigott