Note to Parents - 13th April 2021
Dear Parents/Guardians,
I hope you and your children enjoyed the Easter Holidays and that you all are continuing to remain safe and healthy. This is a lovely time of the year and the stretch in the evening certainly helps puts a pep in everyone’s step.
We have now entered a new phase - all secondary school students returned to in-school learning yesterday and we are now able to travel within our own county, with the relaxation of the 5km travel restriction. Furthermore, we are permitted to meet up with one other family outdoors. There is light at the end of the tunnel!
As a reminder – we would ask all pupils and parents not to congregate at the school gate at the morning drop-off and at collection time. It is important to keep social distancing to the fore at all times. We would also ask you to wear a face mask when in the vicinity of the school.
Return to Educational Facility Declaration Form
We thank you for your cooperation in completing the Return to School Declaration prior to our return on Monday. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. This form will remain on our school website for use going forward.
In cases where a student has been absent from school for one or more days, parents/guardians are to complete the Return to Educational Facility Parental Declaration Form. This form will also be used in cases where a child is sent home from school due to their feeling unwell. The form must be completed prior to the child’s return to the school. Please contact us if you have any questions. Thank you once again for your cooperation.
A reminder that communication with the school must take place by phone or online – again in the interest of everyone’s health & safety.
Phone: 066) 9769402 Email:
If a pupil forgets, for example, their water/lunch box, there is a drop off box outside the main school door. Please phone the school and we will ensure the item is delivered to your child.
A Safety Reminder:
Safety as always is paramount in Glounaguillagh N.S. and we will continue with the necessary infection prevention and controls measures to ensure the safety of our school. We have been following the Covid-19 Response Plan for safe and sustainable operation of Primary and Special School V3 February 2021 and the additional appendices, including updated guidance on ventilation. It is very important to note the following as prevention control measures – to prevent the introduction and spread of Covid-19 in our school:-
Please be advised that pupils should self-isolate or restrict their movements at home if they display any signs or symptoms of COVID-19 and contact your family doctor to arrange a test. (See below symptoms just as a reminder)
Please be advised not to return to or attend school in the event of the following:
if a pupil is identified by the HSE as a close contact of a confirmed case of COVID-19
if a pupil lives with someone who has symptoms of the virus
if a pupil has travelled outside of Ireland; in such instances you are advised to consult and follow latest Government advice in relation to foreign travel.
Please be advised to cooperate with any public health officials and the school for contact tracing purposes and follow any public health advice in the event of a case or outbreak in the school;
Know the Symptoms of COVID-19
In order to prevent the spread of COVID-19 it is important to know and recognise the symptoms. They are:
High temperature
Shortness of breath or breathing difficulties
Loss of smell, of taste or distortion of taste
Infection with the virus that causes COVID-19 can cause illness, ranging from mild to severe, and, in some cases, can be fatal. It can take up to 14 days for symptoms to show. They can be similar to symptoms of cold and flu.
Common symptoms of coronavirus include:
a fever (high temperature – 38 degrees Celsius or above).
a new cough – this can be any kind of cough, not just dry.
shortness of breath or breathing difficulties.
loss or change in your sense of smell or taste – this means you’ve noticed you cannot smell or taste anything, or things smell or taste different to normal
If you have any common symptoms of COVID-19 (coronavirus), self-isolate (stay in your room) and phone your family doctor straight away to see if you need a COVID-19 test. Other people in your household will need to restrict their movements (stay at home).
Wellbeing Resources:
Please be advised about the updated Department of Education wellbeing resources for parents.
Finally, thank you once again for all your continuous support and assistance.
Kind regards,
Sinéad Pigott