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October e-Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Dates for your Diary:

  • Halloween Dress-Up Day - Friday 22nd October (optional)

  • Mid Term Break - 25th October to 29th October inclusive

Halloween Costume Day:

The Halloween Dress-Up Day will take place again this year. The Dress-Up Day will be held on Friday 22nd October.


Our wonderful caretaker, Connie Griffin, has retired after 21 great years in the school! We thank Connie for everything he has done for us throughout the years and wish Connie & his family all the very best in the years ahead.

Parking - Reminder:

We would like to take this opportunity to remind you all to drive and park safely on drop off and collection. Adhere to the rules of the road on drop-off/collection/when using the car-park facilities. Do not park on the double yellow lines. Remember to be mindful of pedestrians. Always drive slowly and keep traffic flowing. Please park in one of the designated car-park spaces first before parking on the roadside. We would ask you not to delay in returning to your car and moving off to allow others to park. Please do not remain parked outside for prolonged periods/remain talking to other parents, etc. Drivers should not let children out of the car without pulling in and parking the car properly.

We are very grateful to those parents who continue to drive and park responsibly. With a continued combined effort from the whole school community we can make the parking situation for our school a lot safer for the children and the wider community.


A case of headlice has been reported in the school. We ask all parents to check their child's hair and to continue to do so on an on-going basis and treat accordingly.

Book Payment Fees:

Our book payment fee for the 2021/2022 school year is €100 per child. €70 for your child's books + €30 photocopying, art supplies, school insurance, etc. Thank you to everyone for your prompt payment. It is greatly appreciated. We would ask that any outstanding payments are addressed in the coming days. Should you wish to speak to me in relation to the fees, please feel free to contact me on 066-9769402.

Parent-Teacher Meetings:

We are awaiting further guidance as to the stance with in-person parent-teacher meetings. At present, it is looking likely that parent-teacher meetings will be held via phonecall, as per last year. Your child's class teacher will update you further once plans are finalised.

Have a lovely weekend.

Sinéad Pigott




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 Glounaguillagh National School 2024

Caragh Lake, Killorglin, Co. Kerry

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