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October Newsletter

Dear Parents,

Dates for your Diary:

Halloween Dress-Up Day - Friday 28th October (optional)

Mid Term Break – 31st October to 4th November inclusive (school closed)

Back to School - Monday 7th November

Halloween Costume Day:

The Halloween Dress-Up Day will take place on Friday 28th October. Your child is welcome to wear their Halloween costume, should they wish to do so.


A case of headlice has been reported in the school. It appears to be an on-going issue in a number of classes since our return to school. I would ask all parents to please check their child's hair and to treat accordingly. It is important to note that should headlice or eggs be present, all members of the family should be treated as well as bed linen washed along with any soft toys that are present in the bed. Wet-combing will need to be repeated numerous times over the course of the following two weeks. Should you have persistent issues in your household, I would advise talking to your GP, pharmacist or Public Health Nurse for further assistance.

Book Payment Fees:

Our book payment fee for the 2022/2023 school year remains at €100 per child. €70 for your child's books + €30 photocopying, art supplies, school insurance, stationery, etc. For those that have paid, thank you for your prompt payment. It is greatly appreciated. We would ask that any outstanding payments are addressed in the coming days. Should you wish to speak to me in relation to the fees, please feel free to contact me on 066-9769402. If you do not wish to use Aladdin for the electronic payment, please put the money in an envelope with your child’s name and class.

Parent-Teacher Meetings:

Parent-Teacher meetings will take place on Thursday 24th November. Class Teachers will be in touch directly in relation to their own schedules, etc.


Enrolment for September 2023 will open on Monday 7th November. Enrolment application forms will be available for collection from the office as well as downloadable from our website from that date. If any have any questions in relation to enrolment, please do not hesitate to contact me.


We took part in the Cumann na mBunscol 6/7 Teacher blitz at the end of September. Unfortunately, we didn't progress but we had two great games against Caherleaheen and Cullina. We're looking forward to lots more football over the course of the year. PJ Reidy (Kerry GAA GDA) calls fortnightly and is presently working with the senior classes while Pat will also work with 4th, 5th & 6th Class. Terence is calling to 2nd & 3rd Class weekly to work on their skills. Thank you to both Pat & Terence for their help.

Team Hope Shoebox Appeal:

Leaflets have been distributed to each household in relation to the Team Hope Christmas Shoebox Appeal. Our thanks to Carmel Foley for co-ordinating the collection for this wonderful and worthwhile cause. Crowley's Menswear & Ladies Footwear have a stash of shoeboxes should you require one. If any household would like more leaflets, please let us know as we have some spare.

Kind regards,

Sinéad Pigott





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 Glounaguillagh National School 2024

Caragh Lake, Killorglin, Co. Kerry

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